Season 2023

Welcome back to WHCC

As the cricket season is rapidly approaching we thought we'd give you a quick update. 1's and 2's training will now take place on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Tuesday's training will be led by our new club coach, Leigh Woolridge, and Sacha will lead the training on Friday evenings. Training will begin on Tuesday 4th April. 3's-6's will train on Wednesday evenings, starting 5th April. All fixtures are on Play Cricket :

Winchmore Hill CC, Middlesex Play-Cricket, Winchmore Hill CC, Middlesex, Matches

We have had to make a small increase to the annual fees this year due to the massive increase in utility bills etc. All payments can be made through Teamo from today, 1st March, and the early bird discount applies until 17th May. ?

LevelYearly SubscriptionMatch Levy (Saturday)Match Levy (Sunday)Match Levy (T20)
Adult £160 (£140 if paid before 17th May) £16 £13 £5
Intermediate £85 £13 £13 £5
U17 (Middx Cup) & U19 (T20) N/A N/A N/A £6
Junior (in Senior match) See below £13 £13 £5

Matthew Webster (our new chairman) will send out a more comprehensive update nearer the time
